I’ve always struggled when it comes to accepting the present, maybe that’s why I’ve just been drifting through life so far.
Have you been there too? Cant really describe the situation precisely. Nothing is wrong or of major concern, it’s just a lot of convincing your mind, that everything someday will be okay! Its not exactly sad, but not happy either.
And all you need is a warm tight hug or maybe just some hot chocolate!
I followed a simple recipe:
- Boil about a cup of milk of your choice on low heat. I am using almond milk, because avoiding dairy has really made a difference overall.
- When the milk comes to a boil, add some cocoa powder and mix well, 2-3 teaspoons should be good enough.

Considering my life until now, it’s been very different or I’d say far from normal or regular. I’ve been average at most of the things back in my teens and college life. But one thing I’ve been consistent with is getting through any situation. I’ve made it on the other side or I’d just be very grateful to the universe.
- When the milk and cocoa mixture is boiling add some cinnamon powder for some spice.
- At this stage you can add some dark or milk chocolate as per your preference.
- Take off the mixture from the flame and add the sweetener of your choice.
- Top it off with some marshmallows or have it plain
It’s a pretty simple recipe you see, but I guess a little improvisation is fun too.
This is in no way a motivational blog, because right now I am hoping for the odds to work.
I’ve been good with words, that is something I am pretty sure about, so I am going to focus more on writing short pieces of blog posts, hope you connect to it too.
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Happy Winters!!